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活动隔断 021-66713126 、 13818821186

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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 超高型转弯
产品: 超高型转弯 
最后更新: 2015-02-06 18:05

隔音阻断值:RW=45dB (以EN20140为准)根据同济大学。


密封胶条:拉伸强度≥8.15MPA 邵尔硬度65±3




加强型滑轮(选用自动转弯导向配合、预先准确设定;高强度滚珠轴承一体无焊接加工优于其它近似产品;The laminate plate of Y&D movable partition wall is fiber board. Aluminum, pulley and machinery meet the limit value of harmful substances of Indoor Decorating and Refurbishing Materials – Limit of Harmful Substances of Wood based Furniture and Standard for Indoor Environment Pollution Control jointly approved by AQSIQ and MOHURD. Methyl alcohol, VOC (voltaic organic compounds), benzene, methylbenzene, xylene, ammonia, TDI (toluene diisocynate), vinyl chloride monomer, styrene monomer, plumbum, cadmium, chromium, mercury, arsenic and other poisonous elements meet the allowable limit standard, such as GB/T11718-1999, GB/18580-2001, GB/T8625-2005, GB8626-88, GB/T8627-1999, GB8624-1997, GBJ121-88 and HJBZ37. Formaldehyde emission of glued laminated lumber complies with GB 18580-2008 and meets national E1 standard. The physical and chemical properties of aluminum track meet the requirements of GB/T6892. Oxide film thickness of Cu, Fe, Si, Mg, Zn, Cr, Mn, Ti, Zr and aluminum is greater than 12um; tensile strength is ≥180MPA; hardness is 64HV; bending strength is ≥7MPA; tensile strength of sealing strip is ≥8.15MPA; shore hardness is 65±3; tearing strength is ≥30KN/M; density of sound insulation rock wool is ≥62Kg/m3; thermal resistance and noise reduction coefficients meet the GB/T11835-1999 standard. Fire test at grade B1, sound insulation value at 50dB and environment protection meet the standards. Related auxiliary materials (shrinkage or expansion of MDF, bending deflection condition, adhesive and track, etc.) meet the national standard for hazardous substance limit.

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